Just in time, the homeowner noticed a water spot growing on the ceiling directly over their baby grand piano and traced the leak to the whirlpool-type tub upstairs in the master bath, but the exact source of the leak wasn't confirmed until I sent the Tool-Vu cam through the only access at the opposite end of the tub. An o-ring at the bottom of the mixing portion of the valve assembly had started leaking.

Fortunately, it only leaked when in use, but we still had a problem with getting at the leak....

It was obvious we had to go through the tile, but the homeowner was interested in maintaining accessibility for any future events.

By employing a few tricks, I constructed a removable cover...

...to match the existing tiles. The homeowner opted to lightly bridge the gaps of the "grout" joints with a matching colored caulk, allowing easy scoring, for the next time access is required.