On The Rock Home Services, Inc.
Scott Paquet, President
117 South Cook Street, #144
Barrington, IL 60010
You may also email me at the address below.
Scott Paquet, President
117 South Cook Street, #144
Barrington, IL 60010
You may also email me at the address below.
Note that this is a text image, not a hot link. Presenting the address this way minimizes the amount of spam generated by webcrawling spambots scouring the internet for email addresses.
If you want to click on a hot link that will automatically start an email addressed to me in your own email program, just click on the link that says "Contact me by email" at the bottom of any page of this website....
If you want to click on a hot link that will automatically start an email addressed to me in your own email program, just click on the link that says "Contact me by email" at the bottom of any page of this website....