This particular crown of thorns is a mere thing, yet it represents no mere thing. It is a reminder, given to me out of selfless love by a dear Brother, that I do not belong to myself, but rather, I belong to Christ my God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. That is, He took on Himself the penalty for my sins, and He purchased me with His own blood on the Cross. The transaction is complete, and that, by faith alone in HIM my Savior. I know Him personally, because He made good on His promise to me: He saved me from the penalty of my sins, and He gave me eternal life in Himself as a free gift, though I did not and could never deserve it! In that salvation, He gave me forgiveness and peace, in addition to many other things. He freed me to serve Him, and to serve others selflessly, which I desire to do in everything, including in my occupation as a handyman....