If you have wood siding, you know there are not too many things more frustrating than those darned woodpeckers!

....They can't peck their way through sheet aluminum.
These birds are amazing....
After the aluminum was secured, I smeared a skim coat of Quad caulk all over the area, feathered the edges, and put a faux texture on the surface to mimic rough sawn cedar.
Those creatures sure are persevering! The crazy thing is, I plugged a hole right next to this one last year....

OK, before I get to work keeping them out, I've got to make certain they already are out. Nope, nobody home.
....Look at their attempts to get back in through the same hole!
Obviously, extreme measures require extreme means....

It'll look great once it's solid stained to match the house color, but as an owner of wood siding, you must realize, unfortunately, that those blasted woodpeckers can put a hole anywhere else in your house where there's wood....