Gutters without proper support sag with time. This one had a dip that, when combined with a low/reversed pitch, caused water running off the roof to spill over the edge of the gutter instead of flow along the gutter to the downspout.

I ended up raising the gutter almost an inch and a half, revealing a fascia repair by others that probably led to the gutter being reinstalled at the backward pitch. The homeowner should never have had to hire me....
The solution involved removing the gutter brackets, raising the gutter to increase the pitch, reinstalling the brackets, and installing additional new brackets for added support.
Incidentally, the hardware cloth seen in the picture below is my own work from a few years prior. Its purpose was to keep varmints out of the attic, and it is still performing well.
Incidentally, the hardware cloth seen in the picture below is my own work from a few years prior. Its purpose was to keep varmints out of the attic, and it is still performing well.
The pitch was so bad, there was water standing in the gutter, effectively reducing carrying capacity when needed most: In a storm.